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5778 Special Focus - Safe Spaces

5778 - safe spaces

Get involved and make a difference.  Tikkun Olam (Repairing the World) is our Jewish mandate to do what we can to make the world a better place. Get involved with the re-invigorated and robust Social Action Committee.  Make a difference!  Build connections!  Feed the Hungry!  Help the less fortunate! Take Action!

Themes for Social Action

Last year, the Social Action Committee focused on the Racial Justice.  We are committed to continuing our work on Racial Justice and building our partnership with Alfred Street Baptist Church.  This year we will look at a variety of hot topics, including the rise in anti-semitism and racism, gun violence, disability awareness, refugees, and more.  Hunger is a large and increasing problem not only in our country but in our community. Help us address the tragedy of poverty amidst plenty.


Get Involved!  Join the Social Action Committee


Attend a Monthly Social Action Meetings on the second Thursday of each month, except for October which is the third Thursday because of Yom Tov at 7:00 p.m.: 9/14, 10/19, 11/9, 12/14, 1/11, 2/8, 3/8, 4/12, 5/10 and 6/14.  For more information, please contact Samara Weinstein at


Social Action Calendar of Events Highlights:      

Sunday afternoon, October 22nd Community Apple Picking and gleaning.  Join the Agudas Community, young and young at heart, as we enjoy fall by apple picking and then collecting and donating apples to area food pantries.

Sunday morning, November 19th Join us for our first Hot Topic Series on the Rise in Anti-Semitism and Racism We will hear from experts and learn more about what we can do together and as individuals.

Sunday morning, December 3rd Second Hot Topic Series on Gun Violence. We will hear from experts and learn about the issue of gun violence from a Jewish Perspective.

Friday, January 12th – Monday, January 15th  AAC Social Action Shabbat.  To recognize the Jewish role in the fight for racial equality, civil rights and social justice, Agudas Achim will honor the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with SOCIAL ACTION SHABBAT.   Activities will include special Shabbat evening and morning speakers, programs for youth on Tikkun Olam, AAC’s 5K Race benefitting ALIVE, and an evening program of comedy and conversation by the “Black-Jew Dialogues on Diversity.”

See the article in the Washington Jewish Week on The Black-Jew Dialogue.

Sunday morning, February 11th Third Hot Topic Series on Jewish Disabilty Awareness.  Special Shabbat and Sunday morning presentations by Jewish Disability advocates in honor of national Jewish Disability Awareness Month.

Sunday, March 11th from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. Second Annual Community Social Justice Seder

Sunday, April 15th International Good Deeds Day at Agudas Achim Congregation

Jewish Disability and Inclusion Awareness Shabbat

Agudas Achim will join together with other Jewish organizations and communities to raise awareness and champion the rights of people with disabilities.  Please join us for the following events.

Friday, February 9, 2018
Chaya Silver, Agudas Achim’s Youth and Religious School Director, will speak during Kabbalat Shabbat Services about our ongoing efforts to ensure inclusion in the AAC Religious School, as well as various inclusion models for Jewish learning. 

Saturday, February 10, 2018 
During Shabbat Services, Judith Heumann, internationally recognized advocate and expert on disability rights will address the Congregation on Disability Inclusion in Jewish Life.    Judy has been a member of Adas Israel since 1993, serving two terms on the Board of Directors, and as the co-chair of the Adas Israel Inclusion Taskforce.
     Judy’s career has included working with non profit disabled people's organizations in the United States and around the world, serving as an Assistant Secretary at the Department of Education in the Clinton Administration, as the first Advisor on Disability and Development at the World Bank,  and most recently as the first Special Advisor for International Disability Rights at the State Department working in the Obama administration. She currently is a Senior Fellow at the Ford Foundation. After services and the Kiddush, please join Judy for an informal question and answer session.

Sunday, February 11, 2018 -  9:45 – 11:45  a.m.
     Join us as for a mini-film festival about disabilities and inclusion in the Jewish Community and a post-screening discussion.  We will view three short films including an Israeli film about a young man who is losing his hearing, and does not want to give up ice skating, a film about a young man on the Autism spectrum who used assistive communication devices to enable him to have a Bar Mitzvah, and a short video about the best buddies program at Camp Ramah.    

Sunday March 11th
Community Social Justice Seder

Tue, January 21 2025 21 Tevet 5785