Torah Fund
Be Strong & Courageous and Support Torah Fund
What Is Torah Fund?
Since it was established in 1942, Torah Fund, the fundraising arm of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism, has provided support to grow and sustain our future. Through modest and substantial donations from thousands of individuals, Torah Fund has helped to educate and train generations of Conservative/Masorti rabbis, cantors, scholars, educators, summer camp directors, chaplains, campus Jewish life staff, and committed lay leaders. Torah Fund supports five seminaries located in New York City (JTS), Los Angeles (Ziegler), Jerusalem (Schechter Institutes), Buenos Aires (Seminario Rabinco Latinamericano), and Potsdam (Zacharias Frankel College). During 2020-2021 we depended on these institutions of higher education to assist our leaders in developing creative approaches to keep our congregations active and engaged when we could not meet in person.
What’s New with this Year’s Campaign?
Torah Fund is celebrating its 80th anniversary. The new campaign theme is Chazak v'Ematz - Be Strong & Courageous. The new Torah Fund pin given as a thank you gift to Benefactors and Guardians will carry the word Chazak and the number 80.
What we Torah Fund members and leaders do for our brothers and sisters studying at the five seminaries is to enable them to pursue their calling, aided by the scholarships they receive from our fundraising efforts. It is a heartfelt gift offered with the utmost respect for the important work the students will accomplish because of the educational opportunities they receive. For 80 years the Women’s League for Conservative Judaism has been steadfast in this effort. Please consider making a financial commitment to help support the future of Conservative Judaism by contributing to Torah Fund in 5783. You will be among the thousands who annually support Torah Fund – including 64 Agudas Achim congregants who donated over $10,300 during the 2021-2022 program year.
Giving is Easy.
The new campaign season begins on July 1, 2022 (and runs through the end of May 2023). Issue a check made out to TORAH FUND and mail it in an envelope addressed to: TORAH FUND c/o Agudas Achim Congregation, 2908 Valley Drive, Alexandria, VA 22302. (DO NOT MAIL DIRECTLY TO THE NEW YORK OFFICE). You also can donate online; be sure to include the name of Agudas Achim in Alexandria VA on the Affiliate/Sisterhood field. All contributions, small (there is no minimum) or large, are welcome. Please consider making an $80 donation in honor of Torah Fund's 80th anniversary. Those who donate $180 or more are considered Benefactors or Guardians.
Questions? Please contact Karen Malone. Thank you in advance for your generous support.
Sun, March 30 2025
1 Nisan 5785
Today's Calendar
: 7:30am |
: 7:30pm |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Apr 5 Men's Club Shabbat Shabbat, Apr 5 9:30am |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Pekudei
Candle Lighting
Friday, Mar 28, 7:10pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Mar 29, 8:11pm |
Shabbat Mevarchim & Parshat Hachodesh
Shabbat, Mar 29 |
Alot Hashachar | 5:36am |
Earliest Tallit | 6:08am |
Netz (Sunrise) | 6:57am |
Latest Shema | 10:04am |
Zman Tefillah | 11:08am |
Chatzot (Midday) | 1:13pm |
Mincha Gedola | 1:45pm |
Mincha Ketana | 4:53pm |
Plag HaMincha | 6:11pm |
Shkiah (Sunset) | 7:30pm |
Tzeit Hakochavim | 8:10pm |
More >> |
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Contact Us
Agudas Achim Congregation
2908 Valley Drive
Alexandria, VA 22302
Contact staff at:
703-998-6460 or 703-782-3976
Office hours:
M-Th 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Fri. 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Before a Jewish holiday: 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Candle Lighting
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Vayikra
Shabbat, Apr 5 |
Candle Lighting
Friday, Apr 4, 7:17pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Apr 5, 8:18pm |
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