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Community Social Justice Seder

Sunday, April 25 | 3 PM

Why is this Seder after Passover?
About 30 days ago we matzahed our way through the week-long festival of Passover!  Pesach Sheni -- on April 26 -- means "Second Passover.” Passover Sheni marks the day when someone who was unable to participate in the Passover offering in the proper time can observe the mitzvah (commandment) exactly one month later. It gives us a “do-over,” the opportunity to re-focus on the Passover story of redemption and freedom.
Why is this Seder different from all other Seders?
Following a year of Covid-19 lockdowns, social injustice and unrest, and so much loss and sorrow, much in our world -- and in our lives -- needs repair and our attention; and most of all, our coming together in community. This Seder is an opportunity to come together, begin our healing, support one another for a better and just future. 
   Agudas Achim Congregation and our brothers and sisters from Alfred Street Baptist Church celebrate the Social Justice Seder with a spirited retelling of the Passover story, integrated with contemporary themes of racial justice and a particular focus on housing injustices during COVID times.
   The Social Justice Seder, a biennial springtime collaboration between the two congregations, will be all-virtual this year.
What should I expect?
Inspired by the original 1969 Freedom Seder, where hundreds of people of all backgrounds gathered to explore and celebrate freedom in the context of the Civil Rights Movement, this is the fourth Agudas Achim Congregation and Alfred Street Baptist Church Social Justice Seder. Led by Rabbi Steven Rein and Reverend Charnika Hayes, this virtual Zoom seder will focus on Tikkun Olam (repairing the world) and racial justice through music, deep conversation and so much more!  
How do I sign Up?
Bonus! Registrants will receive a recipe list of a few of the Agudas Achim Social Action Committee’s favorite Passover treats!
Tue, March 11 2025 11 Adar 5785