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                   Tamar Bar Dov

                     AAC Shlicha 


All About Tamar! 

Tamar is from a small community near Jerusalem called Givon Ha'Hadasha. She is a recent graduate of Ben Gurion University of the Negev, where she studied Management and European-African studies. Tamar’s mother is an Olah (immigrant) from Brazil, while her father is a native Israeli. She has two older siblings who served as officers in the IDF. Tamar’s involvement in community engagement began as an instructor in the Scouts youth movement (Tsofim), and she later became a shooting instructor for paratrooper trainees during her military service.
Before starting her studies, Tamar worked at Kibbutz Mishmar Ha'emek, where she collaborated with other individuals who had completed their military service. She then returned to Givon Ha'Hadasha to serve as a youth coordinator.
In her spare time, Tamar enjoys cooking, baking, and traveling both within Israel and abroad. She loves spending time with her friends and family, and she enjoys meeting new people from diverse cultures. Tamar is always eager to learn from others and appreciates the value of connecting with people from different backgrounds.

Hebrew Words of Previous Weeks

  • Balagan - בלאגן: chaos, fiasco, mess
  • Ga'a'gu'a - געגוע: to miss (someone or something)
  • Basa - באסה: (from Arabic) bummer, disappointment
  • Marshmallow - מרשמלו (pronounced like in English)
  • Douze points (French, pronounced 'dooz pwa') - דוז פואה: Twelve points, the highest score a country can give another in the Eurovision, in Israel: excellent, perfect, good job
  • Mangal - מנגל & al ha'esh - על האש: barbecue
  • Mimouna - מימונה: A Moroccan Jewish holiday celebrating the end of Passover and return to eating hametz.
  • Oren - אורן: pine tree
  • Tikvah - תקווה: hope
  • Aveev - אביב: spring
  • Adloyada - עדלאידע (lit. "Until one no longer knows"): Big procession/parade held in cities in Israel on Purim, tradition dating back to 1912 in Tel Aviv.
  • Bool - בול: exactly, bingo!
  • Paleet - פליט: refugee
  • Budke (bood-keh) - בודקה: guardhouse (from Ukranian)
  • Al HaPaneem – על הפנים: terrible, awful (literally "on the face")
  • Hachala - הכלה: inclusion, acceptance
  • Se'udat Yitro: Feast of Jethro, an ancient tradition celebrated by Tunisian Jews on the 
    Thursday before parashat Yitro. Click here for more information 
  • Re'eedat adama - רעידת אדמה: earthquake
  • Batzir - בציר: Picking of grapes
  • Masik - מסיק: Picking of olives
  • Gadid - גדיד: Picking of dates
  • Ariyah - ארייה: Picking of figs
  • Katif - קטיף: General picking of different fruits
  • Lachtzab- לחצ"ב: anxious to go home (acronym of 'lachutz - לחוץ: anxious' and 'bayit - בית: home')
  • Chazlash- חזל"ש: back to normal (acronym of 'chazara - חזרה: return' and 'shigra - שגרה: routine')
  • Shvung - שוונג: momentum, on a roll
  • Kur Gar'ini - כור גרעיני: nuclear reactor
  • Mif'al textil - מפעל טקסטיל: textile factory
  • Tayar - תייר/tayeret - תיירת: tourist; tayaroot - תיירות: tourism
  • Shalechet - שלכת: fall foliage
  • Meragel - מרגל/meragelet - מרגלת: spy
  • Al ta'am ve'reyach ein lehitvache'ach - על טעם וריח אין להתווכח: agree to disagree, to each his own (literally: we mustn't argue about taste and smell)
  • Sheleg - שלג: snow (in Arabic: thulj - ثلج)
  • Chakalaka - צ'קלקה: police/ambulance siren
  • Geshem meteorim - גשם מטאורים: meteor shower
  • Dugri - דוגרי دغري  : to be blunt and to the point
  • Ashkara - אשכרה: totally, so true, really, actually
  • Ochel/et seret – אוכל/ת סרט: to be very anxious or nervous about something (literally "eating a movie")
  • Gis - גיס: brother-in-law
  • Yoreh - יורה: first rain
  • Davka - דווקא: precisely/spite/actually
  • Magresah - מגרסה: shredder
Sun, March 30 2025 1 Nisan 5785